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Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Awww.......a long weekend! I love these types of weekends. This weekend marked the beginning of Razorback Football, which means traveling, eating, drinking, friends and family. The weekend started off a little rocky with Avery Reese running a 102 fever Thursday evening, so I stayed home with her on Friday and we both did a lot of much needed napping. She woke up from a 3 hour nap fever free so we went ahead with our plans to head to Fayetteville, with Children's Motrin in tow.

Friday evening I got some much needed girl time with two of my best friends! Saturday we geared up for the first Razorback game. We decided to bring Avery Reese as this was probably going to be our first and final live football game this season, due to the arrival of baby Hudson in October. She was so excited!!!! She spent most of the game sitting with Brad cheering on the Cheerleaders.

Sunday my parents hosted a cookout with our family. It was a great time. Avery Reese has been very shy around her cousins in the past, but that shyness vanished this weekend. My sister, Stephanie, made her daughter Sadie and Avery Reese matching dresses, so of course they had to wear them! The weather was so nice yesterday, the kids played outside most of the day. It was fabulous.

I love my family and Razorback football!!

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