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Friday, July 8, 2011

Fourth of July

Ahhhh, a 3 day weekend! I would give anything to have one of these extended weekends at least once a month; if nothing else just to catch up on sleep.

Life in the Miles home has been exciting and crazy these days. I am coming right along with my pregnancy, I'm 24 weeks now and finally feeling better. Brad has been super busy at work. And Avery Reese has been cutting her molars and moving into a toddler bed. Oh yeah, we have also slowly been cleaning out the current office/guest room for baby Hudson.

But this weekend was all about the pool, friends and fireworks!! First off on Friday evening Brad converted Avery's crib into a toddler bed.....she was really excited and has slept like a baby (well toddler) in it ever since.

new bed and owl bedding

testing it out

This girl also loves the pool. She got to swim 3 separate times in 3 separate pools; can we say rockstar. (Now we just need to get her some swim lessons, so I won't have a heart attack every time she jumps into the water.)

On Sunday evening we went over to our good friends house, The Moore's. Avery Reese and Kennedi were so cute playing and swimming together. After dinner and dessert the girls and dads enjoyed shooting 'kid-friendly' fireworks (if that's really even possible). These girls are just so stinking cute!

sparklers with daddy

watching fireworks

girls rule!

exhausted from a celebratory weekend


The Garners said...

Oh how cute are they watching the fireworks!!! :)

Love the owl bedding.

Nancy said...

So exciting! Love the big girl bed!